Saturday, August 7, 2010

Makeup on the run: Get glamorous in five minutes or less

New mom? Busy work schedule? High school student with gym first period? Women have all kinds of reasons for not having enough time, but we still want to look our best. So, you have five minutes to make yourself ready for the world and a cute guy in your next class. Here is your game plan:

• Minute 1 – Cleanse and moisturize. Keep some high-quality facial cleansing cloths with you, and quickly clean your skin. Be sure to moisturize afterward. It keeps your skin looking young and helps foundation go on smoothly.
• Minute 2 – Apply foundation. For a super quick application, skip the sponge and use your fingertips. Put enough foundation on your fingers to cover your face then smooth it on like you apply moisturizer. You’ll get good coverage in seconds.
• Minute 3 – Cheeks, Eye base. Sweep blush over your cheek bones, then apply a medium to dark eye shadow to your lids.
• Minute 4 – Highlight, eyeliner, mascara. Apply a lighter shadow just under your eyebrows, and on the inside corners of your eyes. Apply your eyeliner and mascara.
• Minute 5 – Lips, finishing touches. Apply your lipstick/gloss and check yourself out to make sure everything is even. You can also apply powder, if you have the time.

These are basic steps for quick makeup, but there are some things you can do to save yourself time every day. Use a good skin care routine to keep your face looking its best. Great skin doesn’t need much work, and you can even skip foundation on days when you’re really out of time. Keep your eyebrows groomed. This is something I really believe in. Unruly eyebrows will make the whole face look bad. Well-groomed eyebrows give you an instant face lift, and make a face look younger, thinner, and all around prettier.

The number one product for quick makeup: the Mary Kay Custom Compact. This superstar holds your blush, three eye shadows, lip color, and brushes – all in one place. You save time and energy by having it all in front of you, and only having to open one thing while you’re speeding through your routine.

*"Follow" my blog and get a $10 Mary Kay gift card!
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